We stand with Ukraine

We Stand With Ukraine!

No words can describe how much Number One Lab is devastated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The consequences of these military effects are tragic. We know firsthand how destructive ongoing war is, as some members of our team and their families are still located in the affected territories. Our thoughts are with them at this time of need.

Open, reputable sources claim that 12 million Ukrainians have fled their homes since the beginning of the Russian invasion. The world shall not stop speaking about this war as social attention is what helps Ukraine to survive. Please share this page with your friends, relatives, colleagues, and followers. Please take part in rendering feasible help to heroic Ukrainian soldiers, war victims, and refugees.

How can yOu help?

Number One Lab has contributed to several charitable organizations that support volunteers. We listed below trusted support funds that have been gathering finances since the beginning of the war. Their efforts undoubtedly help provide such necessary assistance to millions of affected civilians, injured soldiers, and prisoners of war.

Join the ranks of the friends of Ukraine. Give the hand of help to those who are fighting for liberty, independence, and a peaceful sky for entire Europe. Please consider donating a feasible amount of money to any of the funds below to make the world a better place!

  • Come Back Alive

    This fund sees Ukraine as the Shield of Europe and raises money for defense initiatives accordingly. Come Back Alive does not purchase weapons, but instead provides training for medical workers, defense analysts, minesweepers, and other specialists. It additionally supplies technology and accouterments in order to help defend Ukraine.

    Donate now
  • National Bank of Ukraine

    This fund raises finances on behalf of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. It serves for providing humanitarian assistance to those in need and supporting local volunteer organizations in Ukraine. Besides, it finances the maintenance of the networks of roads and transportation and electricity and telecommunications, and other public utilities.

    Donate now
  • United24

    It is the initiative by the President of Ukraine – Volodymyr Zelenskyy. United 24 serves for collecting donations in direct support of Ukraine. United24 uses finances to support defense and demining, medical aid, and governmental programs for rebuilding infrastructure in the liberated territories of Ukraine.

    Donate now

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