To Determine Whether Your Employee Abusing Drugs?

To Determine Whether Your Employee Abusing Drugs?

Drug abuse has a significant impact on social life. It consequentially deteriorates the normal workflow as well. According to the National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance, more than 74% of all current illegal drug users are employed. And this issue is the primary reason for 40% of all workplace fatalities in the United States.

It is a completely reasonable act for you, as an employer, to make sure your employees do not do illegal drugs (legal drugs they should not do either). Of course, it is difficult to monitor each one of them, especially while they are off duty. No company can be 100% certain that all of its employees maintain a drug-free lifestyle.

But what should you do as an employer to protect other workers and maintain a safe working environment? The first and most important thing is to detect those who abuse illegal substances accurately. Read this article to find some tips on this topic. 

How Do Recognize Drug Abusers?

One thing to know is that drug addiction brings physical, mental, and spiritual harm. No matter how good the person is in hiding it, they will lose control over their behavior or appearance sooner or later. They just will start behaving weird or at least unusual. This is the moment when you want to be on the alert. Here is the common pattern that you may notice.

  • Rapid weight loss. 
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Rapidly deteriorating dental health.
  • Regular fatigue and absenteeism.
  • Inattention to grooming and personal appearance.
  • Shaky posture.
  • Paranoia.
  • Excessive retaliation in response to criticisms, comments, or recommendations.
  • Abrasive or uncooperative behavior.
  • Social isolation.
  • Dilated pupils or bloodshot eyes.
  • Mood swings. 

Keep in mind that it’s most likely that more than 1 indicator will be manifested at a time. 

Possible Consequences of Drug Abuse

It is obvious that drug consumption lessens productivity. Addicted workers are irritable and incapable of concentrating on work. But have you wondered what the statistic says about the people who work under such conditions? If so, take a look:

  • Their healthcare costs are three times more than the expenses of the average employee. 
  • They are approximately 30% less productive than the average employee.
  • Workplace accidents with their involvement are five times more likely to occur.

Besides damaging the company’s interest and profit rates, those people hurt their well-being in the first place. 

What Should You Do as an Employer?

Well, the answer is quite clear. As you can’t base all accusations on your observation, do not hesitate to document such cases. After all, you should offer them take a drug test. Don’t worry; you have every legal right to do so. Also, you should remember that you are doing it for the good of this person and also other team members. 

Number One Lab is here to provide you with fast, trustworthy, and accurate drug testing services. Book an appointment now, and be sure – it’s the right call to do so.